Stratfor says there exists a strong nexus between ISI and Bangladesh's intelligence agencies.
India had joined the international community in deploring North Korea's nuclear tests.
The finance ministry has decided to take stringent measures against pan masala and gutka (chewing tobacco) units indulging in clandestine excise duty evasion estimated at about Rs 1,800 crore (Rs 18 billion) annually across the country.
Sen said that as per the lease agreement, concluded recently with the company, it would have to pay a lease rent of Rs 1 crore per year for the first five years to the state.
The report hints that even this shocking figure is at best modest, Satish Sinha, chief programme coordinator of NGO Toxic Link, said on Friday, releasing the report "Mumbai: Choking on e-waste".
"He will not want to leave it unresolved for his successor," the sources were quoted as saying to The Times.
"We have to be constantly alert, otherwise there is danger lurking at the sea coasts," he told a press conference after the maiden Fleet Review of Coast Guard ships.
Patil said the influx of terrorists into major cities has a big impact on the national capital and asked its police force to remain on alert to frustrate designs to spread terror in the city.
With China's anti-satellite missile test sparking concern across the globe, India on Sunday said outer space should be preserved as a "sanctuary from weapons."
Jhumpa Lahiri becomes the only second writer of Indian origin to land at the top slot; the other is Salman Rushdie. In its fourth printing, Unaccustomed Earth could spend more than three months on the list. It could even sell one million copies in hardcover, setting a record for the writer.
The failure of the Agni-III was a major dampner to defence scientists as it came even as Pakistan went ahead with a series of successful missile tests of its clandestinely acquired Hatf, Gauri and Shaheen range of missiles in 2006.
Terrorist outfit Al Qaeda is training a 12-member team of westerners in Pakistan for a special mission including plotting attacks on return to their home countries, a media report has said.
India was forced to drop plans to explode a nuclear bomb for the second time in 20 years in 1994 at the last moment, according to the nuclear scientist in-charge of the aborted atomic test programme. Nuclear scientist Krishnan Santhanam told Times Now TV that the plans to explode the bomb at Pokhran was put on "hold" due to apparent US pressure.
The entertainment industy has always worried about piracy, but now it is concerned about the good quality of pirated DVD's or CD's. Now the pirated DVD/VCDs are of the highest quality rather than shot secretly in a movie hall. According to a report by US-India Business Council, the Indian media & entertainment industry worth close to $6500 mn is losing a little over $4000 mn per year due to piracy. Experts feel govt should implement some stringent laws on copyright violation.
How did a smalltimer from the interiors of Uttar Pradesh come to head a multi-crore business empire with interests spanning liquor trade to paper mills and real estate? Sharat Pradhan unravels the Ponty Chadha saga that outdoes any Bollywood potboiler
It has been six years since Bharat Gold Mines Ltd closed down mining operations at the Kolar Gold Fields near Bangalore.
Pakistan's Acting Permanent Representative to the UN Farukh Amil stressed full compliance by all States with their respective safeguards obligations.
Senior CPI leader Gurudas Dasgupta said the gap between the Left and United progressive Alliance was widening.
Noting that proliferation of nuclear weapons with links across regions has affected its own security, India on Tuesday asked the international community to pay greater attention to such dangers in the backdrop of North Korean atomic test.
All governments indulge in spin. One should not, therefore, blame the government of Dr Manmohan Singh for indulging in spin in the case of David Coleman Headley, of the Chicago cell of the Lashkar-e-Tayiba, and for trying to mislead the hapless Indian public with the help of obliging journalists that the plea bargain entered into by the Federal Bureau of Investigation with Headley was not a setback, but a great triumph for Indian diplomacy.
Now that David Headley has pleaded guilty, it is settled that he will not be extradited to India and that India will not be allowed to interrogate him.
An independent nonproliferation expert has said that 'at least some parts of the network are definitely still functioning'.
Patil said the activities of SIMI were under constant watch of law enforcement agencies.
With the American declaration of an exit from Afghanistan, Beijing and Islamabad are upbeat. This leaves India in the lurch as it is ill prepared to face the threat posed by Islamic fundamentalists and the Chinese Communists.
China's reported move to construct two more nuclear power plants in Pakistan was expected to be discussed at the 46-member Nuclear Supplies Group's five-day meeting at Christchurch, New Zealand last month.
The incoming administration of President-elect Barack Obama has two options to deal with the fallout of the 26/11 terror attacks on Mumbai: (1) To support, and to garner international backing for, Pakistan's democratically elected leadership in order to enable it to act firmly against terrorist groups on its soil or (2) To designate Pakistan as a state sponsor of terrorism under United States law.
These are the three winners of the Valentine's Day SMS Contest for the most original and creative chat-up lines by our readers!
Chaudiri Abdul Majeed and Sultan Bashiruddin Mahmood, who held a series of senior posts in Pakistani nuke programme, went to Taliban headquarters in Kandahar in mid-August 2001 and spent three days with bin Laden who was keen on acquiring weapons of mass destruction, the book says.
AQ Khan's network has done incalculable and potentially catastrophic damage to international security, a panel has said.
The prime minister said given the circumstances, India needed a strategic nuclear weapons programme.
President George W Bush on Saturday said US has no problem with India-Pakistan-Iran gas pipeline but with Tehran's nuclear ambitions.
He said Musharraf brought up the issue of Pakistan's energy needs during their talks and added the US Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman would be visiting Pakistan soon for discussions
He said India will support diplomatic efforts in the run up to the IAEA meeting in March to reach an amicable solution.
Digvijay Singh's indictment of Home Minister P Chidambaram's strategy seems to be a preamble to the party's stance on Maoists which will differ from the government's plan, says Sheela Bhatt.
With Pakistan obviously on his mind, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh warned on Tuesday, of the dangers posed by nuclear explosives falling into the hands of non-state actors posing danger to India and other countries. Addressing the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington, he pitched for "zero tolerance" against individuals and groups which engage in illegal trafficking of atomic explosives and announced India's decision to set up a 'Global Centre for Nuclear Energy Partnership'.
The ministry of home affairs in its affidavit before the Supreme Court states that SIMI activists were actively involved in circulation of CDs and tapes containing provocative material, campaigns were launched for fund raising and members of the Muslim community were constantly being instigated to create communal disharmony in the country.